Summit Finance In Common 2023
The 4th edition of the Finance In Common Summit in Cartagena
Finance In Common 2023

Finance In Common 2023
4-6 sept 2023 in Cartagena
For the fourth consecutive year, all Public Development Banks (PDBs) convened to strengthen their partnership and reinforce their commitments in support of common actions for climate change and sustainable development. This year's edition was co-hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank, CAF, Bancoldex and the Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions (ALIDE).
The discussions focused around four key topics: SMEs and Financial Inclusion, Climate and Biodiversity, Sustainable Infrastructures, and PDBs' institutional agenda, with social mainstreaming and development impact, private capital mobilization towards SDG goals, collaboration with civil society and incorporation of human rights in strategies and programs as cross-cutting thematics alongside the Latin America and Caribbean perspective
Key takeaways of 2023
The Summit highlighted the key role of all these actors in enhancing financial inclusion and small and medium enterprises as well as the financing of sustainable infrastructure, whilst creating the enabling environment and developing the adequate capacity and financing tools to support the fight against climate change and the protection of biodiversity, including through adaptation and nature-based solutions.
It also discussed how to best equip public development banks to deliver on their objectives and ambitions in terms of mandates, resources and instruments.
Watch the replays of the summit

Watch the replays of the summit
Plenaries, panels, side events, workshops all the replays of the Summit are on our Youtube Channel.
Additionnal documents FiCS 2023