23 July 2024

TA and Capacity Building for PDBs: FiCS mapping and way forward


A webinar session

This event presented the results and the key recommendations of a study, initiated by the Finance in Common Secretariat and conducted by Internationale Projekt Consult (IPC), mapping the landscape of technical assistance and capacity building programs for PDBs.

On July 15, more than 45 participants from 21 institutions joined us to exchange with panelists from the Global Capacity Building Coalition (a GFANZ’s initiative), UNDP and AADFI, to better understand the existing TA and capacity building offer and discover other initiatives. The event illustrates an alignment on the identification of the gaps regarding TA and capacity building needs to leverage PDBs full potential.

The FiCS Secretariat looks forward to deepen jointly this work, alongside interested partners, to increase support for PDBs and DFIs in scaling up their sustainable finance activities. Don’t hesitate to discover our study

Key results of the FiCS TA study:

Key results of the FiCS TA study:

  1. Enhance exchange of knowledge and best practices among both donors and recipients of TA is strongly needed. 
  2. There is a lack of awareness among PDBs regarding the exiting offer.
  3. Project preparation, impact assessment and climate finance rank highest in terms of TA program priorities.
  4. Smaller PDBs need the structural support of larger ones to finance their own technical assistance program through peer learning.
  5. There is a need to adopt a differentiated approach in the design of TA provided to banks, depending on their types, size, and level of maturity.

Key takeaways and next steps:

Key takeaways and next steps:

  1. The Global Capacity Building Coalition (GCBC) will launch a TA platform comprising of a variety of tools and features giving access to the users to elements of substance but also external resources. Feedback from partners is welcome to ensure that resources are well profiled and visible on the platform.
  2. The Technical Assistance Action Plan leverages TA for sustainable finance with a mechanism steered by the G20 Troika and the SFWG Co-chairs and based on an analysis of SFWG survey conducted on existing capacity building initiatives.
  3. The Association of African Development Finance Institutions (AADFI) unveiled on May 28, 2024, a new digital Learning Management System (LMS) to advance learning and professional capacity development of professionals in member institutions and broader stakeholders in development finance.
  4. Looking ahead, a structured proposal for the FiCS TA workstream will be developed in close cooperation with interested partners and other coalitions and initiatives working on TA. This proposal will feed into the next FiCS Summit (Q1 2025 ) as well as  the Fourth Financing For Development Conference (FfD4, July 2025).