Opening event - FiCS-G20 Rio Joint Event: “Shaping impactful solutions for Sustainable Finance - a dialogue between Public Development Banks and the G20”

📢 For the first time, under the leadership of a G20 Brasil 2024 Presidency, we have gathered delegates from PDBs, G20 working groups, and their key partners.
This event, co-hosted with BNDES, Instituto Clima e Sociedade (iCS) and Ministério da Fazenda, marks a significant milestone for the FiCS initiative, highlighting the importance of hashtag#PDBs in global development and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals hashtag#SDGs particularly during this difficult period in Brazil.
🤝 With over 30 development banks from 109 countries, along with think-tanks, international organizations, philanthropies, and private sector representatives. PDBs play a crucial role in incubating markets, addressing public priorities, and catalyzing private investment
Key highlights:
📚 FiCS Financial Innovation Lab | Now in its active phase, focusing on operational and scalable solutions. The FiCS Lab has been launched today with Climate Policy Initiative and Banque Interaméricaine de Développement to bring together PDBs to tackle common challenges in mobilizing private climate
🔎 To know more about FiCS Lab, visit:
🤝 Capacity Building | The FiCS Summit in Cartagena hosted by Bancoldex emphasized the transformative power of technical assistance. A recent study highlighted the need for enhanced capacity and knowledge exchange among PDBs
🙌 Coalition on SDG Alignment | Aiming to mainstream sustainable development investment principles among FiCS members and beyond
📖 PDBs Handbook | In collaboration with AFD - Agence Française de Développement, The World Bank, and United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, we are developing a comprehensive handbook to provide insights into the role of PDBs in the international financial architecture.
📅 Looking ahead, the next The Finance In Common Summit will be held in China from October 9-11, focusing on infrastructure for climate action, inclusive finance, and digital transformation.
👉 This summit aims to deliver concrete solutions for capacity building, alignment with SDGs, and financial innovations.
Thank you to all participants for your valuable contributions 👏
The event continues with working groups to go deeper in the subjects.
To watch the replay:
To learn more on the FiCS Innovation Lab :