08 November 2022

Investment Climate Reform Facility (ICR Facility) Phase 2

ICR Facility


The European Commission, Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), German Federal Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ), British Council, GIZ, Expertise France, and SNV are now rolling out the phase 2 of their technical assistance facility. 

The ICR Facility provides technical assistance to national and sub-regional development finance institutions (DFIs) in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries to become stronger institutions and to identify, prepare and implement projects and investments with high development impact, especially related to women’s economic empowerment and gender-lens investing. Since 2020, the ICR Facility has organised more than 30 events and over 50 DFIs have benefitted from our support.

The ICR Facility supports DFIs in different ways:

  1. We provide tailor-made technical assistance to selected institutions. From 2020 to 2022, we worked in depth with six DFIs, and we are currently finalising the selection of the next banks who will be receiving support until 2025.
  2. We organise knowledge sharing activities (trainings, peer to peer events…)
  3. We provide demand-based technical assistance on investment climate reform and policy dialogue.


The ICR Facility supports organisations to create better conditions for businesses to thrive and for women’s economic empowerment. Fostering a more favourable and gender-sensitive business environment will enable businesses to generate opportunities, especially for women and youth, and boost the economic growth and sustainable development at large. It works with our partners to promote public-private dialogue, remove barriers and support an enabling environment for women ́s full participation in the economy.