24 January 2023

From Multi- to National- and Back Again: Realizing the SDG Potential of Public Development Banks

From Multi- to National- and Back Again: Realizing the SDG Potential of Public Development Banks | Research Paper No. 266

Public multilateral (MDBs) and national development banks (NDBs) are already working to advance the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

But can they do more to help deliver finance at the right pace and scale and on the terms appropriate for catalyzing global green and just transitions? What potential roles might enhanced cooperation between multilateral and national development banks play in achieving green and just transitions?

This paper contributes to our understanding of the potential of public development banks by mapping out the inter-relations between nine MDBs and select NDBs in four regions. The analysis finds that MDBs are lending to NDBs in their regions, but unevenly so; that MDB reporting of cooperation with NDBs is uneven; that MDBs see multiple barriers to lending to NDBs; and that, with a few exceptions, MDBs are not aligning or tracking SDG financing systematically.