Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions (ALIDE), United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and Green Climate Fund (GCF) are working together in order to tacke climate change, adaptation and resilience in the Latin American region.
This project aims to turn banks' individual efforts into coordinated and regional initiatives in the financial sector that increase the number of accredited entities and the number of projects proposed in line with the climate policies and frameworks of the countries.
Beneficiaries: Public and private bank/investment and the society
- Regional report on the state of the art of climate finance in LAC and recommendations to improve ambition and investment at scale
- Regional assessment containing national recommendations per country useful for potential new development bank as GCF Accredited Entities
- Accreditation Gap Assessment and Action Plans for at least 3 entities
- Two Updated Work Plans for the national platforms of sustainable finance
- List of prioritized regional/national investment pipeline aligned with GCF country programming and NDC process of participant countries
- Regional analysis report about opportunities, impact and perspectives of SPVs, PPP and Green Bonds • Innovative financial mechanism pilot
- 2 concept notes for regional bankable projects
- Training program to include at least 180 participants
Solution’s potential evolution (short, medium, and long term). Allow financial institutions in the participant countries to increase investment in climate change projects. It will incentivize the engagement of the domestic private sector in climate-relevant investment, by facilitating a regional analysis about opportunities, impact and perspectives of large-scale financial mechanisms in LAC, emphasizing opportunities to advance nature-based solutions and promotion of green resilient economic recovery.
ALIDE is the international organization, created in 1968, that represents the community of financial institutions that creates development banking solutions for Latin America and Caribbean countries. The programs, projects, activities and services the Association promotes and carries out are aimed at fostering the unity and strengthening the joint action and coordinated participation of the development banks and financial institutions in the region’s socioeconomic progress.