PDB Financing for Health - AKDN

Established in 2006 through a unique partnership between the Governments of France and Afghanistan, the Aga Khan Development Network, and La Chaîne de L’Espoir, the French Medical Institute for Mothers and Children (FMIC) is a 169-bed tertiary health facility in Kabul, Afghanistan. To support demand for additional services, Agence Française de Développement has committed to continue investments in FMIC through a USD $1.7 million financing model to support the planning and design of Phase III, featuring an Expanded Medical Complex (EMC). Already the largest hospital built through public-private-partnerships in Afghanistan, the EMC will transform the existing facility to a 550-bed teaching hospital, which will serve as referral hub for integrated basic and specialized health services, fill gaps in health provider training, and provide access to an innovative research programme.
Founded and guided by His Highness the Aga Khan, the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) brings together a number of development agencies, institutions, and programmes that work primarily in the poorest parts of Asia and Africa.
A central feature of the AKDN’s approach to development is to design and implement strategies in which its different agencies participate in particular settings to help those in need achieve a level of self-reliance and improve quality of life.